Detailed instruction on how to reserve a spot for your referral prospect in your AIVIA marketing organization.
This instruction is for the AIVIA IBOs (independent Business Owners) only. Individuals who are involved in expanding our user base via AIVIA Referral Program AIVIA.
Step 1.
In order to reserve a spot for your prospect, please login into your account on AIVIA platform.
Step 2.
In your account Dashboard in the top right corner click on the profile avatar and then click on the REFERRAL PROGRAM tab. See the image below
If you are logged in into your AIVIA account, you can click on this link to access the Referral Program section.
Step 3.
In the referral page click on the TREE tab. See the image below

The page with your marketing organization TREE will open. Please see the image below

Point a cursor on the Empty+ and the button RESERVE will appear Please see the image below

After you click RESERVE button the window will pop up. To reserve that spot, you will have to choose your referral from the list of your personal referrals and then click the RESERVE button again. Please see the images below.

Please note! Reservation is valid for the first 4 hours. If the referral will not make a purchase of the Premium or VIP pack, the reservation will be cancelled.
We want to bring to your attention, if you do not take any action on positioning your referrals in your marketing organization, then they will be placed by default settings from left to right in your marketing organization (marketing tree).