Recession Proof Business

As everyone is bracing for the global recession, we are at AIVIA providing a great solution. It is a copytrading business in the box AuM.Expert

Eighteen months ago the situation was very different. A lot of people were making money in the crypto space and almost every legitimate investment opportunity produced extraordinary results.

We have reached the peak of economic growth and have entered the global recession stage. It is the normal cycle of the economy. Every 15 years the cycle repeats. The last crisis and global recession started in 2007. After recovery, the economy started to grow and during the last three years went thru vertical growth. The inflation, created by the American government is unprecedented. The Fed has no choice but to raise the interest rate to keep inflation in check. The big companies can not borrow money at a low rate, which limits their financing for expansion and growth. The public limiting their spending, and the demand for goods and services is shrinking. Big employers are cutting their expenses by laying off their staff to survive the contracting economy. It is a good time to think outside the box and take a different approach to strive during this recession.

We believe, that a crisis always creates an opportunity. A cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin was born during the last recession and steadily growing. We are convinced, that during this recession there are multiple opportunities related to the crypto market. The crypto market will be the first to recover and grow. There are many contributing factors, such as innovation, liquidity influx, community support, broad adoption, and so on.

The AIVIA provides the platform for users to follow successful traders. Binance and Bitmex users can create an account on the AIVIA and link any trader on the platform.

The reason it is a recession-proof business is that the successful trader may short any cryptocurrencies in a bear market which increases USDT holdings. When the market recovers the long positions will be more advantageous.

Many experienced traders, signal providers, and crypto influencers with a large community on youtube, Instagram, Facebook, tweeter, discord, and other social media are struggling to retain their community. If you are one of these people and have a large user base with the Binance or Bitmex accounts, our white label solution AuM.Expert will help you to weather the global recession.

AuM.Expert is a no-coding copy trading platform integrated with Binance and Bitmex exchanges.

The standard version allows users to create a copytrading business consistent with your brand. Start your business in less than 30 minutes by registering your white label on . In the dashboard upload your logo, and use your colors, fonts, and domain name. Set up an integrated merchant for accepting subscription and success fee payments. Set up marketing, support, compliance, and referral program.

The setup is free and in some cases, the use of the platform is free of charge.

Many talented traders are already using our White Label solution. It is truly a Copytrading business in the box. No programming skills, no costly integrations, just use our technology and your brand.

    We are looking forward to helping you profit during the recession.